Okay I know what you are thinking, how ridiculous🙄
Let me explain.
Yesterday, I watched a really insightful YouTube clip that was suggested to me on my YouTube homepage. It isn’t something I would usually watch - I had never heard of the channel or the speaker - but I felt compelled to watch it and honestly, it has changed my mindset about how I am living my life (we love a synchronicity - always follow your gut instinct, people!).Â
In the video, Regan Hillyer - who was in debt and had no clue what she wanted to do with her life at the time - discusses how she shifted her mindset to a millionaires mindset and incredible things happened for her over the space of a year. She goes through the steps and leads an incredible meditation at the end. (That is a huge generalisation of an hour long video - you should absolutely go and watch the full thing here if you feel ready).
So, as of today, I am showing up as the millionaire version of myself. I am feeling the feelings I will when I have millions in the bank and doing what I would do when this is the case💸 For me those feelings are unparalleled freedom, absolute pride for the wealth I built and joy that I have an even bigger opportunity to help even more people in the world.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not booking £10k holidays yet or buying a car outright (yet!). But if I want the meal that is £5 more expensive, then I will get that meal because it will make me happy and that is what they millionaire version of me would choose!
It is all about living life not through a shortage mindset but an abundance mindset✨
Now this might all sound a bit woo woo, and I honestly don’t blame you for thinking that. I love me some woo woo and I don’t stop harping on about law of attraction, so these aren’t necessarily brand new teachings for me. But yesterday, for some reason that video clicked for me and changed everything.
You might not be able to control or change the circumstances in your life immediately - I am probably not going to wake up with a million pound in my bank tomorrow (a gal can dream) - but you can choose the lens in which you view your life and make changes to how you feel.
The seemingly small decisions we make throughout the day make all the difference. And little by little, as our mindset shifts, so do our lives.
And I don’t know about you, but the prospect of that - not even from a financial perspective, but from a living-the-happiest-life-I-can perspective - is inexplicably exciting to me✨